Handrails For Steps

Floor mounted handrails

Floor Mounted

Our Floor Mounted handrails can be secured to the floor by inserting the uprights into the ground and concreting them in or by using one of our several base options.

The base fittings can fit to a flat step, to a slope or to the side of a step/structure to give the most suitable handrail location.

You can select the length of handrail you require and we will provide the correct number of uprights to make it strong enough all the way along.

These products are available in Galvanised Steel as well as Black, Green or White Gloss finish which is professionally applied and cured to give a great look whilst being very durable too.

Floor to wall mounted handrails

Floor to Wall Mounted

Our floor to wall mounted handrails feature our swivel wall bracket that secures to the wall and then can rotate to achieve any angle of handrail.

This system is often fixed to the wall at the side of a door with a handrail extending directly outwards to the length of path or steps. Our uprights are then secured to the handrail and floor to support it where required.

It is available in Galvanised Steel, Black, Green or a White gloss finish.

Wall mounted handrails

Wall Mounted

Our wall mounted handrail systems create an easy way to make steps or paths where a wall or structure can be secured to.

Our systems allow the handrail to be mounted directly to the wall with simple supporting brackets and can be extended in length with our internal connectors to make a neat solution.

If you have changes in direction for landing areas or more complex requirements than the straight run options we offer please get in touch and we will design a solution for your application.

Available in Galvanised Steel, Black, Green or White gloss finish.

We’re here to help!


Here at FITTED we can help you at every step of the way when designing your handrail solution.

If you need information quickly then give our team a ring or alternatively you can request a call back.